Doctoral Consortium Week Summer 2023 – Community Engagement

Kickstarting the Program at the Beautiful Salzburg Mountains

In September 2023 the doc.hci team got together again for the summer DC Week. To kick start the program, we all went to a cozy guest house at the mountains surrounding Salzburg. We enjoyed the late summer weather and beautiful views while working on activities focusing on community engagement. We discussed, for example, the dynamics of publishing at conferences and journals, ways to engage with the general public, and even role-played interviews in an imaginary podcast interview scenario.

Researcher’s Night at the University of Salzburg

After coming back from the guest house in Koppl, we continued the activities in Salzburg where we joined the Researchers’ Night at the University of Salzburg. The doc.hci students presented posters about their PhD research. During the Researchers’ Night the university opens to the general public, who can explore prototypes, learn about ongoing research, and have discussions with the participating researchers.

Networking at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute

Continuing the activities in Salzburg, we also visited the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in Salzburg to network with the researchers in their group. We were very happy to hear about their exciting topics and to share our current projects. We hope to establish a lasting relationbship with the researchers at the institute and look forward to fruitful collaborations.