
SIGCHI Austria Chapter’s Meeting

On July 4th, 2024, the first ACM SIGCHI Austria Meeting convened at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg. The event gathered researchers and professionals in Human-Computer Interaction …

Advisory Board Visits in Salzburg

Wednesday 14.12 at 2pm @ Studio 3 Over the past two years, the Advisory Board has made individual visits at the HCI division of Salzburg. Mikael Wiberg made the first visit …

Doc.hci Students Presented Their PhD Proposals

2023 has been remarkable for our doc.hci program, as the five PhD students successfully defended their proposals, marking significant milestones in their PhD journeys. Nathalia and Jan-Hendrik, defended their proposals …

CHI 2023 in Hamburg

From the 23-28 of April 2023 the doc.hci team attended the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing 2023 that took place in Hamburg, Germany. It was an exciting …