Advisory Board Visits in Salzburg

Wednesday 14.12 at 2pm @ Studio 3

Over the past two years, the Advisory Board has made individual visits at the HCI division of Salzburg. Mikael Wiberg made the first visit in December 2022 and gave us an insight into his research. He was given a tour of the department as well as an initial project overview in the form of official presentations. We were able to get to know each other better at a less formal get-together after the presentation at the Salzburg Christmas market.
In April 2024, Mikael Wiberg was able to see the progress of the projects during his return visit. This time the doc-hci Students organized the meeting.The students were keen to ask questions about the general Phd career and to discuss essential and fundamental topics with Michael.

“We were able to think through our individual project topics with him and establish a common thread of the doc-hci project. The interesting aspect of that meeting was that we were able to get a different perspective through the distance in the supervision”.

Elisa Giaccardi was a guest in Salzburg in May 2024. The first meeting was an informal exchange about the projects and an opportunity to explore possible research areas of mutual interest.