Lisa Hofer is a designer and researcher at the University of Salzburg. She graduated from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Industrial Design and Investigative Design). In her projects, she tries to imagine possible futures, which should open a discussion about how we want to live and about nowadays society. She has a passion for participatory processes and aims to use creative tools to open up unimagined spaces for action, design and thought.
As one of the five doc.hci PhD students, Lisa works on the topic of Education.
“I am a dyslexic and creative individual who struggled with learning in traditional school settings. Why that? Because I am a playful experiencer, who makes use of the body to perceive and sense the world around me. I have a background in speculative design, social design, and exhibition design, where I create objects and spaces and invite people to participate in workshops to discuss and design together how we want to inhabit our world. In my PhD, I will create spaces for and with children who want to experiment through alternative lenses, supporting their creativity and allowing them to explore the colourful world of informal learning in public spaces. “
Center for Human-Computer Interaction
University of Salzburg
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8 / Techno 5
5020 Salzburg, Austria
Phone: +43 662 8044 xxxx
E-Mail: lisatheresia.hofer@plus.ac.at
Web: studio-lisahofer.com