Bernhard Maurer is Academic Programme Director and Senior Lecturer for Human-Computer Interaction at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. He has a background in Multi Media Technology and finished his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Salzburg in 2018. During his PhD he explored different notions of hybrid digital-physical play and the interplay between social and physical context. His research engages in experimental and alternative forms of interaction by utilizing physical and social context qualities as a design material for novel interactions. His design activities are driven by questioning established notions of interaction with technology towards creating interactive systems that go beyond purely digital or physical play. He engages in the design and engineering of physical material properties as outlets for future tangible interactions.


FH-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Maurer

Department Creative Technologies
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

Urstein Süd 1
A – 5412Puch/Salzburg
