Mikael Wiberg is a full professor in informatics at Umea University, Sweden. Mikael’s main work is within the areas of design, interactivity, and materiality. He is driven by a curiosity about what digital technology can be, what it offers today, and how people imagine and create new forms of interactions through design and use. Over the years Wiberg has held positions as research director for Umea Institute of Design, chaired professor of HCI at Uppsala University, and full professor of Interaction Design at Chalmers, Sweden. He has published his work in international journals including ToCHI, Design Issues, Design Studies, Human-Computer Interaction, and International journal of design. His most recently published book is The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design (MIT Press, 2018), and he is currently serving as co-EIC (Editor-in-chief) for ACM Interactions.


Prof. Mikael Wiberg

Department of Informatics

Umeå University