I’m a Senior Lecturer in Human Computer Interaction at the University of Glasgow in the internationally recognised Glasgow Interactive Systems (GIST) research group. My research focuses on how we connect in immersive environments by applying social signal processing to modelling behaviour in XR and understanding how we experience immersive realities together.  The future of XR is social, but these experiences fall far short when compared to face-to-face interactions.

I completed my PhD in Computing Science at the University of Glasgow in January 2012, supervised by Stephen Brewster. My thesis explored the social acceptability of using multimodal interfaces in public spaces, especially with respect to mobile interfaces. I completed my Bachelor of Science Cum Laude in Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. During my undergrad, I worked with Paul Dourish on research projects looking at proxemic interaction across urban areas.


Dr Julie R. Williamson

Senior Lecturer in Human Computer Interaction

School of Computer Science

University of Glasgow